Vata Soothing Master Class for Everyone

Saturday, January 18, 2020

1:00 – 4:00 PM

$35 early/$45 regular

Early bird deadline 1/4/20

Winter aggravates Vata constitution. Winter is dry, cold, and windy.
When your mind is overly active with thoughts, your body fatigued from moving too quickly, or stiff from the shift to dry, colder weather, a vata soothing practice brings warmth, stability and suppleness.
Ayurveda is the Vedic science of living a life of optimal health and healing, in tune with Mother Nature. Ayurveda ascribes three constitutional types, vata, pitta and kapha.
Vata governs movement in the body, the nervous system and elimination.
We all have some degree of each of the three constitutions. And we all need to “mind vata.” 
When vata is out of balance, symptoms such as digestive distress, dry skin, achy joints, anxiety, low energy, and irregular, insufficient sleep patterns begin to set in.
A vata soothing sequence gives our bodies and minds the opportunity to manifest the relaxation response—a key to optimal health, as it can help lower the risk of heart disease, obesity, anxiety, depression, and other stress-related diseases.
-Experience a practice that nourishes your vata constitution.
-Learn ways to find balance in your yoga practice.
-Learn ayurvedic tips to boost your resilience.

Chairs are available, if needed.

Rudy’s style is inviting, grounding, deliberately slow, and deeply relaxing. He skillfully breaks postures into developmental progressions that make it possible for students to explore with greater ease and depth. Rudy presents with care, humor and sensitivity in a warm, compassionate atmosphere. 

Rudy Peirce, M.A., E-RYT500, YACEP has studied and practiced yoga for over 35 years. His passion is guiding self-empowering, mindful, deep-release yoga that is accessible to beginners and inspiring to experienced practitioners. 

Certified since 1983, he has been a faculty member, teacher-trainer, and mentor at The Kripalu School of Yoga, in Stockbridge, MA since 1988. He offers Gentle Yoga retreats, Kripalu Yoga Teacher Training, a Dynamic Gentle Yoga Teacher Certification.

His popular 4CD set, The Gentle Series, is well-known for supporting a vibrant regular personal practice. 

You can contact Rudy at [email protected] or visit his website